Lots of New Stuff :D

Hey you guys

I’ve been a busy little bee for the past week. I release 3 new hairs, and some accessories. I’m going to thumb nail everything so this post doesnt look crammed :P, so just click on the pictures to make them bigger :P.


Rosa Nick I


Those are just 3 of the 8 colours I have :).

I put some of my old piercings and necklaces up as well! so go check out my store in Destiny :). [CLICK HERE FOR A DIRECT TELEPORT]

lots of Love ❤

-Anna Normandy

~ by annanormandy on May 30, 2008.

2 Responses to “Lots of New Stuff :D”

  1. Hi I was wondering how is your selling on the MG in Asuka’s shop?

    New Tanks and Hair

  2. Because shes a TG transfer, I gave her a few of my things on full perms before she left so she can sell them for me on the MG. My uncle plays on the MG, hes the owner of the Body Politik (Maximillion Grant), and Asuka is transfering the money to him, to give to me. Hope that clears everything up 😛

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